Club Nets Competition

Join in the net competition. The member with the highest attendance on the club’s nets will be awarded a nicely designed certificate.

For each member calling into the net you are award 1 point, for those that are listening (must have sent an email or commented on the facebook post during the course of the net) will be awards 1/2 a point.

If you host a net, as a Net Controller, you are not awarded a point for that net, but at the end of the year the Net Controller with the highest amount of nets undertaken will be awarded a prize If you are interested in hosting a net, as a Net Controller, please contact either Nigel 2E0CKA or Chris M0KCJ on any net, or club meeting.

An update is published monthly to all our members on email, and below is the current update. Although Heth M6HNS, Nige 2E0CKA and Chris M0KCJ are in the list, we are not taking part in the event.

Good Luck to all entering.

Competition Winner for 2022 net attendance was Jamie M1JSC

Competition Winner for 2023 net attendance was Jamie M1JSC