Gilmore & North West Morse Radio Club invites you to take part on our first CW Fun Day, on Sunday 20 October 2024. The CW Fun Day is open to any licensed ham radio operator interested in CW.
We will be running several CW nets through the day for beginners or experienced alike. Exchanges for beginners can be callsigns and reports; for those more experienced can include names, locations and a short chat. The aim is for everyone taking part to enjoy CW with friendly like-minded operators.

Each CW net lasts up to an hour, with seven separate nets on different bands through the day, so we hope there are some to suit you. CW net speeds will be about 18wpm; slower to match. The beginners Slow Speed Net, SSN, will be up to 14wpm; slower to match. Controllers are club members and guests.
We start at 10am on 30m/40m, so controller will start on 10.126 +/- for about 15 mins, and if calls come in, will stay on that frequency. If calls don’t come in, the controller will switch to 40m and will call on 7.038 +/- thereafter. For the Beginners Slow Speed Net at 12 noon on 30m/40m, the controller will follow the same process. For the 8pm net on 30m/20m, the process will be similar.
All our net controllers will call CQ or CQ NET followed by their callsigns. The beginners net call will be CQ or CQ SSN. To reply to any net, either send YOUR CALLSIGN once followed by K, or send CONTROLLER CALLSIGN DE YOUR CALLSIGN followed by K.
Please note that the net controllers callsign may be changed at short notice, so please listen carefully for the controller callsign.
Please bear with us if there are several other callsigns sent at the same time as you send, and the controller will try to ensure as many as possible have a QSO. For this reason, we ask that QSOs can be kept relatively short for a busy net, and we suggest up to 6 mins per call.
We highly recommend you use Reverse Beacon Network, RBN, and/or the app Ham Alert, to check on exact net frequency. We look forward to hearing your call.
Gilmore and Northwest Morse Radio Club: CW Fun Day Schedule; Sunday 20 Oct 2024
All times are British Summer Time, BST, which is UTC + 1 hr
Start time | Controller | Band | Freq MHz +/- | Net Type |
10am | M0WDD | 30m/40m | 10.126/7.038 | Short QSOs |
12 noon | M7GNO | 30m/40m | 10.126/7.038 | Beginners Slow Speed SSN |
2pm | M0KCJ | 2m | 144.064 | Short QSOs |
3pm | M0TJU guest | 70cm | 432.064 | Short QSOs |
4pm | M0TJU guest | 30m | 10.126 | Short QSOs |
6pm | M0KCJ | 40m | 7.038 | Short QSOs |
8pm | M0WDD | 20m/30m | 14.064/10.126 | Short QSOs |
David M0WDD, Sept 2024, V2