Posted 11 August 2023
There has been lots happening behind the scenes at Gilmore Radio Club in the last four months, and now everything has been finalised we wanted to update you, our loyal members.
Gilmore Radio Club and North West Morse have recently had a meeting, again on board NB Royal Oscar, this time at North Cheshire Cruising Club, to discuss the future of both groups. It was agreed that Gilmore Radio Club would be renamed and become ‘Gilmore and North West Morse Radio Club.
From 12th August this year, Gilmore Radio Club will not have a ‘team’ looking after you, but to make it more formal, but still a friendly club, will form a G&NWMRC Committee.
This will be : Nigel 2E0CKA – Chairman / Heth M6HNS – Secretary / Chris M0KCJ – CW Manager
Chris will now assist GRC will the basic running of the club, but has asked not to be involved in the financial side.
Chris decided to set up a CW group when GRC was being set up, and this was started In the early part of 2022. Assisted by David M0WDD, who will now be CW Training Co-ordinator and Jamie M1JSC who will be the QRP specialist. Both David and Jamie have been with Chris since the inauguration of NWM, and we welcome them all to the newly reformed club..
We have also asked Robert M0NVQ to join our team of Net Controllers and assist in the running of the 2m nets. So your controllers on voice are Nigel 2E0CKA, Chris M0KCJ, Adrian G0EHG and Robert M0NVQ, and when none of the above can do a net, I will have a go. On the CW side is Chris M0KCJ and David M0WDD.
For you, our members, nothing will really change. We hope you will enjoy the reformed club as much as you have enjoyed GRC and NWM as two separate groups.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Take care