North West Morse was a division of Gilmore Radio Club, established to promote and support CW for anyone interested in starting with or building on their skills in CW. Although North West based, licensed amateurs from further afield are also very welcome to take part in North West Morse activities.
North West Morse (NWM) run regular friendly CW nets on different HF and 2m frequencies with current details shown on the Events list page which is to the right of this article.
You can check out the NWM CW net formats currently being used, the regular NWM net click here, and the NWM quiz net, click here
The aim of the NWM CW nets is for licensed amateurs to call in and gain CW experience on air in an enjoyable and friendly way. Although we do aim to send as accurately as we can, we all make mistakes. If you do make a mistake, just send 3 or 4 dits with long spaces, and then send the item again, and move on. NWM want it to be enjoyable and good fun whilst gaining good experience.
In August 2023, Gilmore Radio Club renamed the club to incorporate North West Morse – Gilmore and North West Morse Radio Club.
Further events and activities are planned so please check this page for regular updates. If you are interested in taking part or helping with future NWM events please email the NWM team at northwestmorse@m0juw.co.uk and one of us will get back to you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Gilmore and North West Morse CW Team – Chris M0KCJ and David M0WDD – August 2023